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1. What charts are used for plotting Great circle courses.
A. Gnomonic
B. Routeing
C. Passage planning
D. Instructional
2. What is a chronometer used for? Indicating
3. A circle whose plane pass through the center of the sphere is called?
A. Great circle
B. Latitude
C. Longitude
D. Small circle
4. If the angle at the pole between the observer's meridian and the hour circle
passing through a heavenly body • s called:
A. Local hour angle
B. Greenwich hour angle
C. Sidereal hour angle
D. Tight ascension
5. What is the line roughly following the 180th meridian called ?
A. The date line
B. Equator
C. Rhumb line
D. Greenwich meridian
6. What is the angle of depression which the direction of sight to the visible
horizon makes with the plane of the true horizon called ?
A. dip
B. height of eye
C. index error
D. error of parallax
7. When using great circle sailing the saving is the most when :
A. at the equator
B. the course is E-W ,nearer to the poles
C. the course is ti-S
D. the course is one of the inter-cardinal headings
8. Which of these atmospheric layers is closest to the earth?
A. Mesosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Stratosphere
D. Ionosphere
9. What is the true shape of the earth?
A. a perfect sphere
B. rectangle
C. an oblate spheroid
D. square
10. The time of position at which a planet is farthest to the sun is called :
A. aphelion
B. perihelion
C. apogee
D. perigee
11. What is the extent of zone zero?
A. from 0 deg to 7.5 deg E
B. from 7 deg E to 7 deg W from Greenwich
C. From 7.5 deg E to 7.5 deg W from Greenwich
D. From 0 deg to 7.5 deg W
12. The length of one minute of arc, measured along the equator is called:
A. geographical mile
B. sea mile
C. none of the given options
D. statue mile
13. As the altitude increases, what happens to Parallax in altitude?
A. Reduces
B. Remains constant
C. Always zero
D. Increases
14. Great circles passing through the observer's zenith and nadir are called:
A. Observer's Principle vertical
B. Vertical circles
C. Observer's Prime vertical
D. Small circles
15. The point at which the ecliptic crosses the equinox is called the:
A. solstical point
B. first point of aries
C. first point of libra
D. celestial pole
16. To calculate amplitude ,Sin amp =
A. sin late x cos dec
B. sin dec x cos lat
C. sin lat x sec dec
D. sin dec x sec lat
17. Longitudinal zones of the earth’s surface, each 15deg in extent, measured
eastward and westward from longitude 0 deg are called:
A. Time zones
B. Zone time
C. Separation zones
D. Fixed zones
18. An horizon produced by bubble gyro or mercury trough to allow
measurement of altitude of celestial bodies is called :
A. apparent horizon
B. sensible horizon
C. artificial horizon
D. visible horizon
19. the arc of a vertical circle through a body or the angle at the center of the
earth contained between the observer’s zenith and the centre of the body is
A. Attitude of the celestial body
B. Declination of the celestial body
C. True zenith distance of the celestial body
D. Calculated zenith distance
20. If sailing on a great circle track, which of the following is correct?
A. The vessel will after course frequently depending on her position and
bearing to destination
B. The vessel sails on the same course through out
C. The initial and final course will always be the same what ever the
intermediate course is
D. None of the other options
21. Right ascension is measured:
A. Westward from aries
B. Westward from Greenwich
C. Eastwards from aries
D. Wrestward from the observer
22. What is the term applied when the longitudes of the sun and the moon differ
by 90 deg.?
A. Quadrature
B. Conjunction
C. Opposition
D. None of the given options
23. The angle at the centre of the body contained between the observer at the
earth's surface and the center of the earth, when the body is on the observer's
sensible horizon is called?
A. Parallax in attitude
B. True attitude
C. Horizontal parallax of a celestial body.
D. Apparent altitude
24. What is the inclination between the orbit of the moon and the ecliptic ?
A. 4 1/5 deg
B. 5 1/4 deg
C. 1 4/5 deg
D. 1 5/4 deg
25. Semi great circles on the celestial sphere, joining the celestial poles are
A. both<Option 1> and C
B. celestial meridians
C. meridians
D. neither <Option 1> nor <Option 2>
26. If we consider the lower limb, then semi-diameter correction is:
A. multiplied
B. subtracted
C. there is no correction
D. added
27. What is the imaginary body assumed to moue along the equinoxial at a
constant rate equal to the average rate of motion of the true sun on the
ecliptic called?
A. Mean sun
B. True sun
C. Apparent sun
D. All of these.
28. What are planets which are closer to the sun called?
A. Inferior planets
B. Small planets
C. Large planets
D. Superior planets
29. What type of motion do planets have around the sun?
A. retrograde
B. direct
C. southward
D. northward
30. Can apparent solar day be used for measuring time?
A. no
B. only for the period when the sun and moon are in conjunction
C. yes
D. only for the period when sun and moon are in opposition
31. A That type of planets can never be in opposition with the sun?
A. Superior planets
B. Small planets
C. Inferior planets
D. Large planets
32. What is the internal in time between two successive meridian passages
A. A minute
B. An hour
C. A day
D. A second
33. The period of the day between the time when the Sun's center is 6 deg.
below the horizon and sunrise, or between the time of sunset and that when
the Sun's center is 6 deg. below the horizon is called :
A. nautical twilight
B. civil twilight
C. astronomical twilight
D. sunrise
34. Every day a star rises, sets, culminates:
A. 4 min later
B. 4 min. earlier
C. 10 min later
D. 40 min earlier
35. When light reflected and scattered by the upper atmosphere when the sun is
below the horizon, it is called:
A. sunrise
B. moon rise
C. sunset
D. twilight
36. In which case is augmentation necessary:
A. Sun
B. Stars
C. Moon
D. Planets
37. The arc of the rational horizon or the angle at the observer's zenith
contained between the observer's prime vertical and the vertical circle
passing through that body when the body is on the observer's rational
horizon is
A. Amplitude
B. Horizontal sextant angle
C. Vertical sextant angle
D. Azimuth
38. What is the circle of the celestial sphere on which a heavenly body appears
to moue daily across the sky From east to west, rising in the east and setting
in the west called?
A. Diurnal motion
B. Diurnal inequality
C. Diurnal circle
D. Diurnal arc
39. The period of time taken by the moon to complete one revolution of 360deg
around the earth is called?
A. Rotational period of the moon
B. Revolutionary period of the moon
C. Synodic period of the moon
D. Sidereal period of the moon
40. What is the diameter about which the earth rotates?
A. Axis
B. Prime meridian
C. None of the other options
D. Equator
41. What is the westerly hour angle of the first point of Aries measured from the
observer's meridian called?
A. Greenwich sidereal time
B. Local mean time
C. Local sidereal time
D. Greenwich apparent time
42. What is the angle at the center of the earth contained between the center of
the sun and the center of that body?
A. Elongation of a celestial body
B. Attitude of a celestial body
C. Horizontal parallax
D. parallax in attitude
43. Line joining a place of equal magnetic variation is called:
A. Isothermic line
B. Isobaric line
C. Isogonic line
D. isobathic line
44. When two bodies are on the same side of the earth and the centers of the
three bodies are in one line, then the bodies are said to be
A. in opposition
B. in Perihelion
C. in Aphelion
D. in conjunction
45. What is the observation of a celestial body taken to ascertain the latitude
shortly before and after it has crossed the meridian?
A. Longitude by chronometer
B. Ex-meridian altitude
C. Intercept
D. Latitude by meridian altitude
46. The geographical mean between two latitudes is called:
A. Mean latitude
B. Middle latitude
C. Both <Option 1> and <Option 2>
D. Neither <Option 1> nor <Option 2>
47. The angle between the meridian and the vertical circle passing though a
celestial body is called:
A. azimuth
B. true bearing
C. amplitude
D. relative bearing
48. The horizontal plane to which heights, depths or levels are referred is called:
A. Datum
B. Calibration point
C. Date line
D. Danger line
49. How do planets moue when they are closer to the sun as compared to when
they are further away from the sun?
A. Do not moue
B. Constant rate
C. Faster
D. Slower
50. When is a body said to be circumpolar?
A. Latitude + declination is greater than or equal to 90
B. Observer's latitude & body's declination are of the same name.
C. Neither <Option 2> nor <Option 3>
D. Both <Option 2> and <Option 3>


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